Thursday, August 10, 2006

What are we feeding our kids!

Parents these days seem to have less and less free time these days. Who suffers as a byproduct of this? Their children, specifically their diet. The lack of time is one of the reasons kids are fed formula instead of breast milk as babies, and given cheap processed or fast food. Numerous studies show that babies who breast feed are less likely to have obesity issues as children, and the same can be said regarding children who eat less fast food....they're less likely to have obesity issues as adolecents and adults.

You ask a parent what they would do for their kid, and they'll say "I'd do anything, I'd give my life for my kid." Parents say they would take a bullet, or sacrafice their own well being for the sake of their children. If parents were truly as concerned about the well being of their kids as they claim, they would not be poisoning their kids with fast food garbage, and would take the time to make sure their kids received breast milk instead of formula. Yes it's an inconvenience to cook meals at home and breastfeed, but if you care about your kids as much as you claim, that shouldn't matter.

Kids develop a lot of habits from their parents. Get them started on fast food and they'll be more likely to continue eating that garbage into adulthood, leading to more obesity related health problems down the road. This generation of children is the first generation in centuries to have a life expectancy less than their parents. This comes as no surprise.

Just remember, your kids see how you parent, and they'll be more likely to parent in a similar they'll be depriving their kids (your grandkids) of a proper diet in the same way you deprived them, and now your grandchildren will very likely have obesity problems as well.

Parents, before taking the easy way out, please think of the well being of your children and future grandchildren. Providing a healthy diet will help your children battle obesity throughout their lives, and their habits will be passed on to future generations.