Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why I started an obesity health and help website

I get asked day in and day out why I started a website dedicated to helping obese individuals. I could go all day on this, but I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

I love helping people. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face knowing that I've made a positive impact on someone's life. I feel I can reach a lot of people with positive information and a lot of knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. I hope our community will become a tight knit group where individuals in similar situations help one another.

I myself have been obese. Unfortunately I have horrible genetics and am predisposed to gaining weight. It doesn't help that I work 12 hours a day, I travel Monday-Friday for business, and while I'm on the road, I can eat as much as I want for FREE! It takes amazing restraint. I know what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off; I just want to share it with everyone!

Half the members in my family have been or are obese. I hope all the efforts I put into helping others will inspire them to help themselves. Unfortunately I have already lost 2 close family members before their time due to obesity, and it's had a very negative health impact on another.

I hope those that read this will consider stopping by, say hello, and take the time to learn more about obesity and what it takes to overcome it.